Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hey hey hey, its the Holidays

Hey people who actually read this.

I know its been SOO long, again, since I've written. I am about to lay down some serious, but truthful excuses, so bare with me.

I have been so been super busy--swept up in 3 major group projects, finals, presentations, being involved, finding time to relax....It was a big semester. Then traveling to two cities in one week. From South to North, hahah. On top of that, I have been dealing with some of my own emotions and sometimes I don't like to blog out of fear that something will come out negatively.
Also, I was sorta feeling like no one actually read what I wrote.

So, sparing you the long list of reasons why and a detailed list of my thoughts, I will leave this post small. I want to blog more, even though I am going to be swamped with my online class work and actual work. When it comes down to it though, I want to know who actually reads my blog posts. Please comment on the Facebook link that I have for this blog so that I know people actually read it. Even better, tell me about something that you may want me to talk about. A lot of people have been asking my advice on weight loss and I have a lot of tips if people really wanna hear them. ('Cept the holidays are the worst time to be so into weight loss and calorie counts. Ugh, I have been struggling myself! UGH!!!!) Anyway, stamina is the key!
Let me know what you, people who actually read my blog, want to hear or to prove that you even read it at all.


Happy New Year. (I hope.)


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